• Purple Global Eğlence A.Ş.
  • info@purpleglobal.com.tr
  • +90 512 345 67 89


Our Attractive Pricing Models.

Get the power, control, and flexibility you need to design your product.

Weekly sprints

For part-time design work.
  • Pay per week
  • No setup fees
  • No project management fees

Monthly subscription

For ongoing product design.
  • Pay per month
  • No setup fees
  • No project management fees

Support hours

For product support.
  • Pay per hour
  • No setup fees
  • No project management fees
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Frequently Asked Question.

Brooklyn is the all-in-one WordPress theme to create your amazing dream website. Easy to use, highly customizable and modern, with 49+ detailed prebuilt websites.

Do you support the theme?

Yes, of course! We have a customer forum where you will find a question and an answer to everything. We also have a huge community that likes to exchange ideas with each other. We also offer customer support in German and English.

How long will I get theme updates?

After your purchase of Brooklyn you will get lifetime updates. Since release we published over 100 updates and added countless new features with over 49+ new demo websites.

Are all demo websites included in my purchase?

Yes, and much more. Not only the demo websites you see here, but also all demo websites we will publish in the future. As well as all future layouts, elements, improvements, website templates and much more.

Are all upcoming updates free of charge?

Yes, all improvements for Brooklyn are and will remain free of charge including new demo websites.

Is Slider Revolution integrated and will I be able to use it for free?

Yes, the Revolution Slider is included free of charge in the standard version!

İletişime Geçin!

Birlikte Çalışalım.

Birlikte nasıl çalışıp anlamlı veya değerli bir şey yaratabileceğimizi öğrenelim.

+90 (5xx) 123 4567

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